Creative Studio
Brand Design & Art Direction
Michael Mayers
Michael Mayers knows food. He doesn’t just cook, he doesn’t just get to the bottom of every secret recipe and signature dish, it is more than that. He takes your taste buds on an odyssey to ambrosial bliss. Food is meant to share, like laughs, and we are meant to taste every bite as if it’s our first. Michael Mayers is an experience in culinary exploration. Michael Mayers is, Zesty.

This project was a journey to culinary excellence. Michael Mayers wanted to explore all the palettes Toronto restaurants have to offer as well as bring these flavours into his own kitchen, with a twist. By starting his own show where he gets up close in personal with top chef's of Toronto then cooks up mouth watering recipes with humour and clarity that turns anyone who tunes in into their own Master Chef.
From a marketing standpoint the challenge was getting the word out and starting from 0 subscribers and social media followers. By producing quality content and stretching that across multiple channels we were able to adjust the algorithm that worked and had ____ views on the first video within a week. Showcasing the importance of a social media strategy paired with consistent branding and design.

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The Logo
For this logo, we needed something bubbly and fun. As well as simple enough not to overpower the colorful nature of the show and the food featured on it. Using Cooper STD the font is almost resemblant of dough rising.
We gave all the colors fun names such as Papi Paprika for the red and Fresky for the green.
All in all the goal for this brand was to be lighthearted and approachable.
This show is still in production. Links will be provided when it has gone public.